Commit 90c97ff3 authored by Quan's avatar Quan

fix little bug

parent d64fc595
......@@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ public class AISliceMergingThread extends Thread{
// paint.setColor(Color.RED); // color is red
// paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); // stroke or fill or ...
// paint.setStrokeWidth(1); // the stroke width
// for (AIResult aiResult_ : combinedResults) {
// for (Bbox box0 : aiResult_.getListBox()) {
// mergedBBoxes.add(box0);
for (AIResult aiResult_ : combinedResults) {
for (Bbox box0 : aiResult_.getListBox()) {
//// Log.d(LOGTAG + "singleBoxInfo", "co-ord= " + box0.x1 + " " + box0.x2 +" " + box0.y1 + " " + box0.y2 + " | conf = " + box0.conf);
// Rect r = new Rect((int) box0.x1, (int) box0.y1, (int) box0.x2, (int) box0.y2);
// canvas.drawRect(r, paint);
// }
// }
// Log.d(LOGTAG + "combine", "saving combined image");
// String filename = System.currentTimeMillis() + "_" + frameId + "_combined";
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