{{ if .Values.enterprise.enabled }}
Welcome to Grafana Enterprise Metrics!
{{- else }}
Welcome to Grafana Mimir!
{{- end }}
{{- $gateway := .Values.nginx }}
{{- if eq (include "mimir.gateway.isEnabled" .) "true" }}
{{- $gateway = .Values.gateway }}
{{- end }}
Remote write endpoints for Prometheus or Grafana Agent:
{{ with $gateway.ingress -}}
{{- if .enabled -}}
From outside the cluster via ingress:
{{ range .hosts }}  http{{ if .tls }}s{{ end }}://{{ .host }}/api/v1/push
{{ end }}
{{- else -}}
Ingress is not enabled, see the {{ if eq (include "mimir.gateway.isEnabled" $) "true" }}gateway{{ else }}nginx{{ end }}.ingress values.
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
From inside the cluster:
  {{ include "mimir.remoteWriteUrl.inCluster" $ }}

Read address, Grafana data source (Prometheus) URL:
{{ with $gateway.ingress -}}
{{- if .enabled -}}
From outside the cluster via ingress:
{{ range .hosts }}  http{{ if .tls }}s{{ end }}://{{ .host }}{{ template "mimir.prometheusHttpPrefix" $ }}
{{ end }}
{{- else -}}
Ingress is not enabled, see the {{ if eq (include "mimir.gateway.isEnabled" $) "true" }}gateway{{ else }}nginx{{ end }}.ingress values.
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
From inside the cluster:
  {{ include "mimir.gatewayUrl" $ }}{{ template "mimir.prometheusHttpPrefix" $ }}

**IMPORTANT**: Always consult CHANGELOG.md file at https://github.com/grafana/mimir/blob/main/operations/helm/charts/mimir-distributed/CHANGELOG.md and the deprecation list there to learn about breaking changes that require action during upgrade.