Commit 196a1220 authored by nvmnghia's avatar nvmnghia


Pipeline #143 canceled with stages
# Popular science: Git
![Git intro](
## Concept
### Distributed VCS
| | Git | SVN |
| :---- | :-------------- | :--------------------- |
| Model | **Distributed** | **Centralized** |
| Repo | Remote & Local | Central & Working copy |
Git advantage:
- No discrimination between remote & local
- Do everything offline
- No single point of failure
### Architecture
1. Repository
- = project
- 2 components:
- Working tree: Current state
- `.git` folder: History in blobs
- Remote & local:
- Remote: hosted elsewhere
- Enable collaboration
- Local: right here
- `origin`? Just default remote name
- `git remote rm/add/...`
2. Staging area
- Separate working tree from repo
- Allow selective commit
- Example: Machine-specific config
- If `commit` saves everything: duplicated config
- Need selective commit => only commit **staged** changes
- Related: `.gitignore`
- **Common flow**:
1. `git add`: stage *needed* files
2. `git commit`
3. `git push`
3. Commit
- Current snapshot
- Analogy: game checkpoint
- ID: SHA-1
- Internal:
- Save in blobs
- Another aspect of git: **key-value DB**!
4. Branch
- Development path
- `master`? Just default branch name
- Also called *trunk*
- `git branch name`: create new branch
- Initially a clone of the current branch
- `git checkout name`: move to branch
5. Pointers
- **Branch points commit!**
- `HEAD` points branch/commit
- Pointers are powerful tool to navigate in git
- More on pointer later
6. Commit tree
- Git is all about **commit**
- Commit = tree node
- *tree* fits the analogy
- DAG in fact
graph BT
classDef master fill:#418a44;
classDef fix fill:#484A4B;
C1((C1)) --> C0((C0));
C2((C2)) --> C1;
C3((C3)) --> C1;
mb("->master<-") --> C2;
fb(fix) --> C3;
class mb master
class fb fix
7. Fork
- Also development path lmao
- Compare to branch
| | Fork | Branch |
| :----- | :---------- | :---------- |
| Intent | New product | New feature |
| Output | Repo | Branch |
| Merge | Won't | Will |
| Tool | git server | git |
## Git navigation
1. Refer to a commit
5 interchangeable methods:
1. Raw ID
- Remind: commit has unique ID
# Get info, content, diff,...
git show commit_pointer
# Get ID
git rev-parse commit_pointer
2. Branch
- Remind: branch = commit pointer
- Default: points at the **top**
- `git branch`
- `new_name`: new branch
- `-m new_name`: rename current
- `-l`: list
- `-a`: list remote branch
- `-d`: delete *merged* branch
- `-D`: delete any branch
- Branch can points at non-top commit
- See `git checkout`
3. `HEAD` & special pointers
- `HEAD`: points *current checked-out*
- Usually is a branch
- Can also be a commit -> detached `HEAD`
- More on `checkout` later
- Etym: top of the branch
- One of special pointers
- git handles what is pointed
# Move HEAD to sth
git checkout sth
4. Tag
- Still pointers!
- Difference:
- Branch/`HEAD`: move with commits
- Tags: fixed point
- Usually used to mark version
# lightweight - no message
git tag tag_name
# annotated - have message
git tag tag_name -m "tag message"
5. Relative ref
- Raw pointers are dirty -> Meet relative ref
- `~` & `^`: back reference suffix
- Similarity:
- Go with number: `master~5`
- Chainable: `HEAD^~^`
- `~n`: Go up nth generation, at the first parent
- For dummies: Go up **ancestor**
- `~` == `~1`
- `~2`: first parent's first parent
- `^n`: Go up to the nth parent (if > 1 parents)
- For dummies: Go up **parent**
- `^` == `^1`
- `^3`: third parent
- Equal `~` if **no** merge commit along the path
- Cause: DAG != tree
graph BT
classDef master fill:#418a44;
subgraph ref from HEAD
C2((C2)) -- "HEAD~4" --> C1;
C3((C3)) -- "HEAD~^2~~" --> C1;
C4((C4)) -- "HEAD~^2~" --> C3;
C5((C5)) -- "HEAD~^" --> C2;
C6((C6)) -- "HEAD~^2" --> C4;
C6 -- "HEAD~~" --> C5;
C7((C7)) -- "HEAD~1" --> C6;
m("->master<-") --> C7;
class m master;
6. Refspec
- Example: `origin/master`
- More on remote & refspec later
2. Navigation utilities
1. `git status`
- Show current `HEAD`, branch
- Show staged file
- Show file addition/deletion/modification
- ...
2. `git log`
- Has many format/beautify mode
- Famous one-liner:
$ git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
* ddbd10c001 (HEAD, tag: 4.1.1, m, b) release: OpenCV 4.1.1
* 7c0a43d425 Merge tag '4.1.1-openvino'
| * 693877212d (tag: 4.1.1-openvino) Fixed video writer filename check for plugins
| * db211446f3 OpenCV version '-openvino'
* | 0cf479dd5c Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/3.4' into merge-3.4
|\ \
3. Move to a commit
1. `git checkout`
- Checkout sth: move **working tree** to it
- `git checkout fix`
- `git checkout DEADBEEF`
- Etym: from convention
- `check in`: store into VCS
- `check out`: get from VCS
- Checkout is associated with `HEAD`
- Checkout branch: safe
- Checkout non-branch - detached `HEAD`!
- NOT safe to commit, OK if not
- Check out top commit,... also detach `HEAD`
- Why unsafe to commit?
- Who can see the commit then?
graph BT
classDef dashed stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
subgraph checkout branch
C2a((C2)) --> C1a;
C3a((C3)) --> C2a;
ba("->branch<-") --> C2a;
comment(C3 is unreachable!) -.-> C3a
class comment dashed
subgraph commit
C2c((C2)) --> C1c;
C3c(("->C3<-")) --> C2c;
bc(branch) --> C2c;
subgraph move up
C2m(("->C2<-")) --> C1m;
bm(branch) --> C2m;
subgraph initial
C2b((C2)) --> C1b;
bb("->branch<-") --> C2b;
2. `git revert`
- Undo changes made by *one* commit
- Create a new commit that undoes the commit's change
3. `git reset`
- Reset working tree/stage/commit tree to earlier state
- May include delete!
- Much more powerful & dangerous than `checkout`
- `git reset reset_mode commit_reset_to`
- Commit to reset to: default `HEAD`
- 3 reset modes
| | `--soft` | `--mixed` (default) | `--hard` |
| :---------- | :--------------- | :------------------ | :------------ |
| Working dir | Keep change | Same as left | Delete change |
| Stage area | Stage change | Not stage change | Same as left |
| Commit tree | Remove to commit | Same as left | Same as left |
![Modes of git reset](
4. `git reset` vs `git checkout`
Key takeaway:
- `git checkout`: Change **working tree**
- `git revert`: Undo one commit
- `git reset`: Reset **stage**
## Git merge
- Q: Branched. Wat do?
- A: Merge!
![Thanh's first merge](
1. Basic merging: 2 methods
1. Merge
Incoporate changes directly
# Merge fix into master
git checkout master
git merge fix
# look ma no conflict
graph BT
classDef master fill:#418a44;
classDef fix fill:#484A4B;
subgraph after
C1a((C1)) --> C0a((C0));
C2a((C2)) --> C1a;
C3a((C3)) --> C1a;
C4a((C4)) --> C3a;
C4a --> C2a;
ma("->master<-") --> C4a;
fa(fix) --> C3a;
class ma master;
class fa fix;
subgraph before
C1b((C1)) --> C0b((C0));
C2b((C2)) --> C1b;
C3b((C3)) --> C1b;
mb("->master<-") --> C2b;
fb(fix) --> C3b;
class mb master
class fb fix
2. Rebase
- Copy the history from the branch point to another point
- Note: The Golden Rule of Rebasing
- Do **NOT** rebase on **PUBLIC** branch
# Rebase fix on top of master
git checkout fix
git rebase master
graph BT
classDef dashed stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
classDef master fill:#418a44;
classDef fix fill:#484A4B;
subgraph after
C1a((C1)) --> C0a((C0));
C2a((C2)) --> C1a;
C3a((C3)) -.-> C1a;
C4a((C4)) -.-> C3a;
C3a_((C3')) --> C2a;
C4a_((C4')) --> C3a_;
ma(master) --> C2a;
fa("->fix<-") --> C4a_;
class C3a dashed;
class C4a dashed;
class ma master;
class fa fix;
subgraph before
C1b((C1)) --> C0b((C0))
C2b((C2)) --> C1b
C3b((C3)) --> C1b
C4b((C4)) --> C3b
mb(master) --> C2b
fb("->fix<-") --> C4b
class mb master;
class fb fix;
3. Merge vs Rebase
- Difference:
- Merge: preserve history
- Rebase: rewrite history (replay)
- Conflict is inevitable. Resolving is down to us.
2. Move commit around
1. Cherry-pick
Manually copy commits then add it over `HEAD`
git cherry-pick commit_1 commit_2 ...
2. Interactive rebase
- Cherry-pick disadvantage: need to know commit
- `rebase -i` comes to the rescue!
- Interactive rebase can do:
- Reorder commits
- Pick neccessary commits
- Squash commits
- The Golden Rule of Rebasing still applies:
- NO rebase on PUBLIC
- Use rebase to cleanup before push
- Why no interactive merge?
- Merge doesn't meant to *rewrite history* like rebase
# Need to know the starting commit
git rebase -i HEAD~10
## Git Internal
1. How git stores data (or what a commit actually is)
- Git stores, and each commit is, snapshot
- Not diff
- The main difference between Git & other VCS
- Hidden cause: distributed vs centralized
- Snapshot is large, how to minimize?
- Refer to unchanged file in previous snapshots
- Data-level diff
- Compress
2. Hashed tree? Distributed? Sound familiar...
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