Commit 9f20a976 authored by nvmnghia's avatar nvmnghia

Remove grep 2019

parent c6172124
Pipeline #60 failed with stages
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ rm skype.deb
echo "Install anaconda"
ANACONDA_LATEST=$(wget -r --spider -l 1 2>&1 | grep Anaconda3 \
| grep 2019 | grep -v ppc64le | grep -m 1 Linux) # -m 1 to grep the first match
| grep -v ppc64le | grep -m 1 Linux) # -m 1 to grep the first match
ANACONDA_LATEST=${ANACONDA_LATEST##*-- } # Keep the https part, which is right after '-- '
bash -p $HOME/anaconda
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